Tham khảo Nematomorpha

    • Baker GL, Capinera JL (1997). “Nematodes and nematomorphs as control agents of grasshoppers and locusts”. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada 171: 157–211. doi:10.4039/entm129171157-1
    • Hanelt B, Thomas F, Schmidt-Rhaesa A (2005). “Biology of the phylum Nematomorpha”. Advances in Parasitology 59: 244–305. doi:10.1016/S0065-308X(05)59004-3
    • Poinar GO Jr (1991). “Nematoda and Nematomorpha”. Trong Thorp JH, Covich AP. Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. San Diego, CA: Academic Press. tr. 249–283. 
    • Thorne G (1940). “The hairworm, Gordius robustus Leidy, as a parasite of the Mormon cricket, Anabrus simplex Haldeman”. Journal of the Washington Academy of Science 30: 219–231. 
    • Pechenik, Jan A. (2010). “Four Phyla of Likely Nematode Relatives”. Biology of the Invertebrates (ấn bản 6). Singapore: Mc-Graw Hill Education (Asia). tr. 452–457. ISBN 978-0-07-127041-0
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